The 28th of June 2022, in a virtual setting, the 1st NEUROSENSE Summit took place. During the morning, the partners of the NEUROSENSE Consortium met with the External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) under the scope of “Get Inspired” to set the ground for the activities along the four-year duration of the EU Project.

As patient centricity is one of the pillars of NEUROSENSE, we have started the Summit with the advice from patients here represented by the US SUDEP Foundation and the Croatia SUDEP Association. Afterwards we proceed with the Neurologist Perspective with a productive discussion promoted by Professor Emilio Perucca the chair of the NEUROSENSE EEAB. In the last part of the session, all work package leaders were able to explain their plans for the next years and expose their questions to the EEAB.

The afternoon “Get Together” session, closed only for the Consortium, the discussions were focused on getting together as a team, establishing the foreground for the team building activities and granular discussions on the specific activities and interactions on the NEUROSENSE Project.

NEUROSENSE is a research project funded by the European Innovation Council Pathfinder Open programme with core subject NEUROendocrine SENSor for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) prediction and prevention.” The project with duration of 48 months (1 June 2022 – 31 May 2026) brings together leading European research, academic institutions and SMEs.
NEUROSENSE proposes a novel and visionary technology resulting from the demonstration of the upstream role of arousal in the sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). SUDEP is a societal challenge for which there is neither prediction nor prevention. Research in the field has for long been refining classic concepts based on the cardiac, respiratory and autonomic nervous systems impairment. Our vision is different and based on the neuroendocrine processes of epileptic seizures and arousal, which are expected to be impaired in SUDEP. The NEUROSENSE project will develop the first SUDEP Medical Device (SMD) prototype supported by artificial intelligence (AI) to anticipate life-threatening seizures and trigger automatic emergency drug administration to prevent SUDEP. This represents the very first viable solution towards a societal-friendly management of epilepsy-derived mortality, thus enabling the prevention of SUDEP worldwide. This will be achieved through the combination of expertise and innovative ideas in epilepsy and SUDEP, biosensors for medical devices, animal models of epilepsy and SUDEP and mathematical modelling.